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How To Download

How to Download:

Click on the download links   
Wait for few seconds and then click on

How to Join(merge) the All parts into One part:

You may need Hjsplit to merge all the part in one file.

HJSplit is a file splitter which enables you to split files of any type and size. Does not need to be installed. Just click on hjsplit.exe and the program starts. This program can even handle files which are larger than 10Gb!

Now what's the use of a program like HJSplit? Think of a file of 20 Mb, and try to send this to a friend. Using email this does not succeed, it is simply too large, and how to put it onto a floppy? HJSplit will enable you to split the large file into smaller chunks, which can be much more easily sent and stored.

Of course HJSplit can join these split parts back together again, so that the original file is restored. HJSplit is very reliable, simple, small and easy to use. It does not need any installation or complicated DLLs, it just consists of one '.exe' file. This means that you can also run it directly from a floppy or CD-Rom.

Languages: English
Mediafire Download Link-


size : 1 mb

(OS : Windows All)

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